10 Feb Online Resources To Find Information About Italian Middle Ages
Italy has a way of making you reconnect with history. During my first visit to Italy, I became totally obsessed with Italy’s history that I started to dig up all books that I could find detailing its beautiful nature (including these interesting facts). This is because every piece of architecture or art that you come across has some form of story attached to it that only history books can unravel.
However, getting this information can be a problem if you don’t know where to look. I did my own research and found the following online sources of information which give a detailed record of the Italian medieval times.
- The Censimento delle edizioni italiane del XVI secolo – This can be loosely translated to mean “The Census of Italian 16th Century Editions EDIT 16”. This online resource includes all the editions that were printed between 1501 and 1600.
- Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN)– If you are looking for a number of online resources on Italy and don’t know where to start from, this can be of great help to you. It is a network of Italian libraries including state, regional and university libraries.
- Polo museale fiorentino: archivi digitali – This resource includes Inventories of Works of Art in the Uffizi and other museums and collections in Florence, Prato and Pistoia, and Catalogues of works of art.
- Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma (Polo BVE) – post-1988 accessions as well as part of the library’s 16th and 17th-century holdings. It also includes post-1998 accessions in the Biblioteca di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte.
- OPAC italiani – online catalogues of Italian libraries, catalogues of periodicals and CD Roms.
- URBS (Unione Romana Bibibliteche Scientifiche) Online Public Access Union Catalogue – Publications (books and serials) in the holdings of the URBS network of Research Libraries in Rome.
If you’re interested in Italy’s history or simply need research material for a piece that you are doing about Italy, then these resources will benefit you greatly.
If you have any comments or suggestion or want to add to this endless pool of knowledge, please share with me.
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